Kingston Rd

Current State

Kingston Rd is an enormous road, rivaling the width of the DVP in places!  Despite its width Kingston Rd is meant to be a city street, not a dedicated highway, and has residences, businesses, and schools built right along the street.  In its current state speeding is a major issue, and the street is dangerous and unpleasant for pedestrians, cyclists, and other active transportation users.

Our Vision

We want to see Kingston Rd reconfigured to be safer for everyone.  By narrowing the lanes, adding dedicated parking lanes and protected cycle tracks, and adding more trees, planters, and street furniture this street can control speeding and become a safer, more pleasant, and more inviting destination, both for current residents and new residents as the area continues to redevelop.  In areas these dedicated parking lanes can be configured as loading bays or transit stops to benefit businesses and transit riders and to keep traffic moving smoothly.  More mid-block crossings may be necessary due to the long block lengths making crossing the street difficult in places.  These lanes can also be omitted to make space for dedicated turning lanes where necessary, especially to queue for turning onto Brimley Rd to access Bluffers Park.

Special attention should be paid to dangerous intersections such as Danforth Ave and Kingston Rd, the crossing near St. Theresa Shrine Catholic School, and Kingston Rd and Brimley Rd.